Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chuck Norris Owns Google

Go to Google, type in "find Chuck Norris". Then click "I'm Feeling Lucky". Be sue and read the whole page; it is kind of subtle. You can also type in "French military victories" and do the same thing, 

Doing our part for the future of mankind.

Deadly Viper Audio Book

If you go to right now, you can obtain the audio book of Deadly Viper Character Assassins for free. That is free!!! Nada, zip, nil. Totally without cost. Not too shabby. A $19.95 value yours for free. 

But wait, there's more!!!   If you call in the next 10 minutes you can get a set of Ginsu Sushi knifes with your order!! OK, not really. But it is still a pretty sweet deal.

Chapter 0: Nunchucks, Warriors and Master Po.

The first chapter of Deadly Viper Character Assassins (DVCA) tells the story of how Jud and Mike came up with the book. They were watching an episode of the classic TV show Kung Fu. It got them thinking about what really important stuff was going on in their lives. Such as:
  • What are the big, nasty issues in our lives waiting to take us down?
  • What stupid choices are we about to make?
  • How can we help each other be better leaders and find true meaning in ourselves?
They envisioned these issues to be like Ninja warriors, stalking us, waiting to chop us down for soup and appetizers. The idea was to train ourselves against these "Ninjas". 

The main goal of DVCA is to keep us focused on character and integrity in our lives. By training and disciplining ourselves, the hope is that we can become people who have character and integrity flow naturally from us, just like sweat in Houston in August.

Now. I know most of us have no issues of character to deal with in our lives. Still those of you can help those of us who struggle every day to become strong and mighty warriors.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Picture

Integrity and Football

Football coaches seem to have hit a new low. Rich Rodriguez was the coach at West Virginia (his alma matter!) for about 7 years. Last year, Alabama tried to hire him away. West Virginia gave him a big raise in pay and lengthened the term of his contract to keep him around. The contract also had a clause that required Rodriguez to pay the school $ 4 million if he broke the contract.

This year, Rodriguez left West Virginia for the University of Michigan. Instead of manning it up and paying the penalty, Rodriguez sued to have it struck down and threatened to report recruiting irregularities he had made at West Virginia to the NCAA. He also revoked the scholarship offers to many students who had already committed to Michigan one month before the signing date for recruits.

Mike Sherman also started at Texas A&M recently. He honored every scholarship offer that the previous coaching staff had sent out before he got the job.

If one of my sons were a stud football player, I wonder where I would advise him to go?

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Greetings and salutations to you and yours from Master Po-Dunk. We are about to begin training ourselves in mind, body and spirit against the Deadly Viper Character Assassins. Training sessions will beheld on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the Multipurpose Room at GSUMC (aka, The Bone Yard). Join us, if you dare. You can also join our Google Group-Master Po-Dunk's Bone Yard. 

Be careful and vigilant. There are ninja warriors everywhere, just looking for a chance to turn you into sushi.